Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am art at the DEAD academy

Yesterday a sub group of my writer's group that loves movies did our movie night at the DEAD academy which is an art studio / training place for artists. Last Friday we did it in Mike's's my second movie night. I got invited back because I was able to name 10 movies that no one in the group had heard of (thanks to my friend Neil!!!!)

We were supposed to go to Mike's (my writing mentor) basement again for movie night but Thursday night he remembered he had promised to go to the DEAD academy to promote this year's digifest. I was sad because this week it was my turn to pick movies to watch. So Mike said "don't worry, we'll just do movie night at the DEAD academy."

Yesterday was first friday (DEAD is in the art district) and Sante Fe street was packed. DEAD was even more crowded and packed with people.

I realized when I got there that we (the movie night people) were one of the art installations. Unexpected but fun. I got to pretend to be a movie expert, said a bunch of insane shit that sounded academic about movies in general, and then I sat on the floor while everyone else sat on chairs. We watched demonlover. The artist who arranged us was enthralled with my TENS (best thing I've ever bought EVER - if you have joint pain GET ONE) so we decided to put it on Mike's knee instead of mine and then he was supposed to shake his leg like he was being electrocuted, which he did very realistically.

Mike's dirty from sitting on the floor with me. DEAD is, um, rustic? Industrial? actually it's dirty and half built...

When people came over to talk to us he said I was in the CIA and was torturing him. I was supposed to point out the technical flaws in the movie (e.g. the pillow smothering scene was so fake) and when there was a gun on screen a guy named Trinity had to say "Oh, a .45" and then I had to yell "that's a FUCKING 9 mil!" For our participation we all got 6 bottles of Oogave soda to take home, as much fat tire as we wanted (don't drink beer usually but that's okay), and pizza (I didn't eat it because it was from a chain).

DEAD doesn't have any heat and I am still freezing.

We were the most viewed installation. Fun!

Our was late so most of the movie people had left...Mike is sitting on the floor pretending to be me.

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