Saturday, October 27, 2012

zombie and lego man

On Wednesday night I had a nightmare that the fake serial murderer consultant I work with had turned into a zombie. His eyes were robotic looking with red half moons under them the color of blood. His arms had been replaced with really long dish washing gloves.

And somehow he managed to turn the project manager into a lego man. I was panicking about the PM being made of legos so I started building a spreadsheet figuring I could put some formulas in it that would turn the PM back into a person. The consultant-turned-zombie kept slapping my arms with his dishwasher glove arms trying to make me mess up as I was typing.

I had just gotten the last formula in the spreadsheet and was about to turn the PM back into a person when the consultant threw up on my head. The vomit hardened and I couldn't move. I woke up in a panic.

So, Thursday, I got an email from the consultant asking me if I wanted to take charge of some shit job. I was in an all day class so I responded...


I'm in class all day and will have to deal with this tomorrow. Also, I had a nightmare last night that we were in an IT meeting and you threw up on my head.

Hmm… how should I interpret that…? 
…I’m causing extra work for you by asking the wrong questions…
…you don’t think I can take my beer…
You were a zombie and had turned [the PM] into legos. I was trying to turn him back to human using a spreadsheet and you were trying to stop me by covering me in slime vomit.

Hmm more connections… I was in a mall at the weekend and spent too long in the Lego store wondering if I was too old to start buying it again…

I am so psychic.

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