Sunday, January 1, 2012

another new year



I know some people get excited...but I spent last night on my couch watching the merchant of venice. I went to bed at 10 PM. I have a hard time getting myself psyched to go out these days. Mostly because I get bored and it ends up being a waste of time. And the guys I meet are less interesting than my versa climber (which includes a computer with programs and race mode, to be fair).

Am I too picky? I think I'm not picky enough. And yet a lot of guys that have nothing in common with me think I should date them. Here are some of my top pet peeves about guys:
  • The financial shit show - I'm not a materialistic person. But I think how a person manages their money says a lot about them. I appreciate that some people have encountered hard times outside of their control (e.g. psycho ex wife trying to bilk you for everything you have). But I'm done financing boyfriends. And I don't like materialistic guys either. If you plan on making fun of my car Jake because he's 10 years old you should also plan on me kicking you in the nuts. He might have a lot of miles on him but unlike most guys he still looks good.
  • The cartoon guy - No, I haven's seen avatar or cars or wall-e. And my life is too short to do that. If I wanted to watch kids movies I would have had kids. We'll never agree on netflix so I wouldn't bother with you. Some women might find child like qualities in a man attractive. I'm not that woman.
  • The tv watcher - I hate watching tv. If you were George Clooney I still wouldn't watch tv with you.
  • The non-reader (or reader of stupid books) - I read Stephen King when I was in high school. When guys don't read or read dumb things it implies to me they aren't that intellectually engaged. That makes me bored.
  • The clinger - I am busy and forced to socialize for my job all the time. I don't really like to socialize with strangers. I need downtime from my job. And that downtime doesn't involve me expending energy I don't have to spend time with someone clingy. I don't like to talk on the phone, I don't want to go to your boring family outings, I don't want to sit around a bar with your friends to watch football, I don't want to chat with you at night because you miss me while I'm on the road. Is it not bad enough my clients email me 24/7? At least they pay to talk to me.
  • The controller - I hate it when guys are like "call me tonight". I'll call you when I get around to it. Or when they try to dictate my schedule. If I tell you I only have 2 hours to spend with you that means 2 hours. Not negotiable. If you argue with me you won't be spending any time with me.
  • The breeder - I don't have kids because I like to do what I want to do. If you had kids that's your choice. Don't expect me to take care of your kids. Or hang out with your kids. Or re-arrange my schedule because your psycho ex-wife decides to switch baby sitting nights with you. In fact, if you have kids, don't even try to hang out with me.
  • The bad story teller - After you've told me the same story about some stupid shit you did in college with your friends don't act surprised that I look bored. Worse, if it takes you a half hour to tell a 5 minute story don't be surprised when I start avoiding you. If you aren't a good story teller we aren't going to have much to talk about. And if you suck at telling stories practice with your friends until you get the skill down. I'm not a story coach.
  • The non-adventurist - You really don't own a tent? Or hike or ski? Or climb? Or do something interesting? Ech.
  • The depressive - Boo hoo. Call me when you're off the meds.
I really fault hollywood for a lot of guys' non-guyness. Like, am I the only one who watched sideways and wanted to punch every male character in the movie? 

Right then. This is the year where I don't compromise and give chances to guys that I know are a waste of my time. Which works out with my training schedule...more time with my versa climber.

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