Tuesday, January 3, 2012

and you make more money than me?????

On a final note, file this one under "sales people make more money than me????"

I was on a conference call with my customer for next week, joined of course by a pack of 4 sales people all salivating at potential $$$ and not doing much other than cluttering the call with white noise as I tried to find out more info from my client (I love it when they do things like order a burrito without putting the phone on mute - glad you're eating mexican while I'm working!). The customer was telling me how a sales guy was telling him about a new architecture framework called PEEF and how he was thinking to use it.

I was like "PEEF?" and he said "yeah it stands for..." and of course he couldn't remember. One of the sales guys, Mr. Idiot let's call him, made a condescending comment to me because I had not heard of the framework. He spelled it out "PEEF" and then said "Look, I'll google it for you" as if I'm incapable of doing same. I googled it and I'm sure everyone else did.

The framework is actually PEAF, not PEEF. Here were the results for PEEF:

PEEF, the Christmas Bear


PEEF, urban dictionary:

"A peef is a penis fart, similar to a queef. A queef is to a female as a peef is to a male.

There have been very few recorded incidences of peefs. However, we do know that a peef is both pleasant and painful for the 'peefer'. No incidences of a 'wet peef' have ever been recorded.

On a related note, the peef has much militaristic potential. Theoretically, with the proper enhancements and adjustments, the peef could become powerful enough to replace nuclear warfare.
Example 1:

Vendor: I peefed at the dinner table.

Example 2:

Pierce: I tried to peef, but blood came out instead.
The urban dictionary reference comes up first. An embarrassed silence descended on the call.
And, are you goddamn kidding about PEEF the christmas bear? That thing is ugly.

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