Wednesday, March 2, 2011

baptist bastards

I was just reading an article on NPR about the Westborough Baptist church in Topeka Kansas. They've been protesting at military funerals against gay people and were sued by the father of a soldier who died in Iraq (his son wasn't gay):

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Though the supreme court voted they can continue protesting at funerals because it's their first amendment right, if those stupid fucks really had an issue that they wanted to resolve, they should fucking go to Washington and protest there. Disturbing the families who have lost someone in the war is unconscionable, sick, and not christian. Obviously they are trying to get media coverage, and they carry signs like "god hates fags" and "pray for more dead soldiers".

If hatred and prejudice was the answer, all of the world's problems would have been solved a long time ago. These protesters will accomplish nothing, at an emotional toll to families that shouldn't have to suffer more. Idiots. I hope all the toilets of the people participating in this protest back up and cost thousands of dollars to fix.

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