Sunday, February 15, 2009

strange cisco summits

Last night I had a dream that Jeffy and I were climbing Kilimanjaro, except that it was really warm and the mountain had fake snow made out of cotton on it with little glittery stars. Jeffy was wearing a toga, and I don't know what I was wearing because I couldn't see myself. The whole point of climbing Kilimanjaro was so he could introduce me to the new president of Cisco.

We started walking through clouds, but they weren't scary clouds. Then we were in the bright sunshine and Jeffy said "we must be at the top". I looked up and saw my friend James (Just James, Justifiably James) sitting cross legged on this point that was the top of the mountain! He was wearing a white and gold robe, glowing and sort of levitating over the top of the mountain.

I was like "James! I didn't know you were president!" and he said "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that I became president of Cisco. They wanted me to keep it secret until they release the news in the press." I was like "why are you sitting up here?" and he said "Now that I'm president I have to be able to see all the servers all over the world." Then he waved his hand and these clouds that were obscuring our view of the ground disappeared and I could see little glowing server lights in Manhattan. And then James was like "Uh oh, someone turned that one off" and he stretched his finger all the way to the ground and turned the server back on.

He asked how my career was going and I told him I was embarrassed to talk about my work now that he was president. Meanwhile, James and Jeffy were having a glass of wine. I was going to ask for one too, but then James said "well, I have to congratulate you on making it to the top of Kilimanjaro". Then I woke up.

And the weird thing is, when I woke up I was like "wow! I just climbed Kilimanjaro!" But then I realized it was just a dream.

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