Sunday, April 13, 2008

my room mate's little joke (warning: this blog contains the word butt plug)

I am always writing little notes for my new room mate on the white board in my kitchen, like "don't forget to lock the doors" or "put out the recycling" or "I'll be home by 6". He decided to leave a note for me the other day, which I failed to notice.

Also, yesterday, the guy for the maid service came to get things set up. He was a very sweet man named Bill, with the distinction of owning a Merry Maids franchise for the longest time of anyone in the US. He was the 17th investor. It turns out he was also stationed at an air force base where my dad worked and recognized my last name.

We went through the house and had a nice chat about my office (which he found cozy) and my kitchen cabinets (which are in shambles). He then stood at the kitchen counter writing up notes and the estimate. He turned his head and glanced at the white board, directly across from his line of sight, and the expression on his face froze. I looked over at the white board. There was the recycling schedule (I hope anyone reading this is recycling!), directions to a bike shop, a list of "to dos" for the house. When I went to get a pen to sign the contract I discovered what he was staring at, and wrote the following email to my room mate:

"I would like to thank you for writing "Butt Plugs" (in huge, fancy lettering I might add) on the white board. The poor sales guy, who is 68, kept staring at the board while he was writing the estimate up. I was looking at the recycling schedule thinking "what? does this guy not recycle?" Then, as I was getting a pen to sign the paperwork, I saw your little handiwork. I think we are being charged extra. And the guy made a point of saying about a million billion times "we do NOT open any cabinets or closets". "

I assume I can erase the white board and that's not going to mess up your ability to remember anything..."

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