Saturday, August 29, 2015

vegetables and stuff

Last week I went to a farmer's market with my friend Jess. Here's what I bought:

a loaf of cheddar jalapeno bread (to quote one of my co-workers: "no me gusto" - actually, I thought it was okay), two green chili and egg empanadas, a cucumber, a zucchini (for spaghetti sauce), a squash (just to eat), tomatoes (for spaghett sauce), a bar of black soap (it smelled really good), and something called body butter that will supposedly help with my dry hands because I probably wash my hands too much
 I'm going to meet Jess at another farmer's market this sunday.

In other news I was walking on my treadmill Monday morning when I felt something pop in my right foot. I tried to keep walking but couldn't. Like an idiot I didn't put my boot on because I thought I would be okay and because I knew everyone would tease me unmercifully. By the time I got home Monday I could not put any weight on my foot.

So tuesday I wore my boot into work...and was teased unmercifully. I called my doctor and he said to wait a week and see if my foot got better, that maybe I should consider working out in a pool, and that a "reasonable" person would not think it was okay to up mileage to 10 miles a day so soon after fracturing a foot.

To which I responded "I'm not a reasonable person, I'm an engineer" to which he responded "what am I going to do with you?" to which I responded "give me quantitative guidelines". I only walked 5 miles today because I've turned over a new leaf and am now a "reasonable" person. I can do 10 miles in late september if my foot is okay.

But by Friday my foot was a lot better. And today I went for two walks without it. Here's the kind of funny thing. I ordered a pair of shoes in May and had completely forgotten about them. They came Monday evening. The heel on them was the perfect height for my boot.

Please don't let me get addicted to Paul Green shoes. I love them. And they always show up at the right time.

yes, this is the cutest shoe EVER, the one on the left that is
 And on Friday my friend Carol gave me an italian cucumber. I'm going to eat it tomorrow.
looks weird, but supposedly tastes good!

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