Saturday, November 29, 2014

thanksgiving project

Every time I go to my parents' house there's always some project that has to be done. This thanksgiving the project was finishing the attic. My brothers put up paneling and built some shelves. I helped my brother Steve build a box around some piping that my dad didn't want exposed. It took us almost a day but it looked pretty good:
I love that ladder, it's at least 45 years old
And no one was injured despite us using a saw and power tools.

My brother Steve is really getting into carpentry, and I used to refinish furniture. My aunt told me that we had italian relatives who were carpenters (like my great grandfather). I also found out the name of the village in Italy that my family is from, Caserta. We still have relatives that live there (I was able to see their houses using google maps) and my aunt is going to get me some contact information for them. I am thinking to go to Italy next fall to visit them. I once did a trip from Rome to the amalfi coast and must have driven right through my town without knowing. Caserta is known for a huge castle that's in the town and for being the village that Dr. Amalfi's (from the sopranos) family is from.

I also had to carry 5 bookshelves worth of books from the second story of the attic down to the first story, organize them, and then put them on the bookshelves. That took me 8 hours and then my dad mentioned, on the ride to the airport, that I had missed two boxes of books in the back of the attic. Oh well.

I would also mention that I was not sure how my Uncle Joe would react to my pink hair. At first he was feeding me shit about it and then, at thanksgiving dinner, he said "I actually really love your pink hair." Nice.

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