Saturday, November 29, 2014

melatonin nightmares

It's that time of year where the weather gets cold and my zombie knee starts hurting. My brother Bob recommended I try melatonin as a natural sleep aid to help me sleep through the night (normally I wake up 3 or 4 times a night because my knee hurts), and it works. Except he forgot to tell me that one side effect is weird nightmares.

The other night I had a dream that an ex boyfriend invited me to go look at houses with him. He was going to buy a new house and had narrowed the decision down to two houses. The first house was really narrow with no windows and these weird boxy rooms that I could barely fit into. It was like a house made out of small cardboard boxes. After climbing into three rooms I felt claustrophobic and was like "this house sucks!"

The second house he took me to was a lot like his real house, except that it had a more open floor plan. I was like "yeah, this seems like a nice house" but then we got into the living room and there was a green microfiber sofa sitting in the middle of the room. There was no other furniture in the house. I thought it was odd that the sofa was there.

Then my ex sat down on the sofa and I noticed there were two dead bodies, both guys in their 20s, stuffed under the sofa cushions. As my ex shuffled around on the cushions to get more comfortable on the sofa the arm of one of the dead bodies fell out from between the cushions and was hanging down the side of the sofa. I was like "oh my god! there are dead bodies in the house!" and my ex was like "what are you talking about?" For some reason he couldn't see the dead bodies. Then he reached between the back of the sofa and the cushions and pulled out a snickers bar and started eating it. I was like "that snicker's bar belongs to one of the dead guys! I hate this house and want to leave now!"

Then I realized my ex was going to kill me and stuff me in the sofa with the other dead bodies.

Then I woke up. I haven't taken melatonin since.

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