Thursday, January 23, 2014

I'm not a role model, so probably shouldn't be a mentor either

FH has an assistant who also does technical work. I offered to mentor her by teaching her data modeling and process modeling. FH thought it was a great idea.

But, to be honest, the only useful mentoring advice I've given her is the following:

T: Went roller skating today. Bad idea, my knees hurt so bad.
Me: Try bio freeze. It's like crack cocaine for the knees.

As for career advice, probably not as useful:

T: FH gave me my own office!
Me: I'd recommend putting crime scene tape around your guest chair to keep the guys in line. I did that at my last office. HR drew the line at the fake blood though.

T: Maybe I can get some fake organs.
Me: They used to sell eye balls at the dollar store.

And she gave me some advice as well:

Me: Don't tell FH this. I just took his toilet apart. Replacing the innards to make it more efficient. Hope I don't fuck it up.
T: I have faith in you! Girls can do home improvement too!
Me: I'm using a hack saw now, which was not specified in the instructions. Oy vey.
T: That's just improvisation. If you have more screws left over than when you start then worry.
Me: Or when FH gets home and there's a taken apart toilet on his kitchen table.
T: I would come help before that point.
Me: It works! Go me! And go broncos! (was sort of watching the game while I was working)
T: Did you have any parts left over?
Me: Some screws. But I think they are just extras.
T: Uh oh. I won't tell if you don't.

(then I made a joke about a super bowl party since I was working on the toilet but there was no response)

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