Monday, February 18, 2013

birthday bench

I guess all my worrying was for nothing. The cart I got for my dad arrived today.

My mom wrote:

The bench got here this morning and was all put together and on a skid.  I unwrapped it, put the skid under my boat to get it up off the floor (which is a really good thing), then proceeded to clean and rearrange the garage.  Bob is going to be so surprised and pleased.  He will probably change things around when he gets here Friday, but stuff is organized and up off the floor and in a condition that if he wants to change things it will not be a big deal and if he doesn't, everything is in an easy to get to place.  He's going to love it.

Doesn't look that insanely big. And my mom can move it.

That dude must have been a midget.

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