Wednesday, August 22, 2012

oakland food bank

My company paid me to spend the afternoon sorting food at the Oakland food bank. My company is a rock star (since companies apparently are people).

Forty volunteers sorted 19 tons of food.

And to the person who donated a popped bag of popcorn that expired in 2003, you are an asshole. As is the person who donated spices that expired in 1991.

The most important thing I learned today is donate money, not food. And don't empty your expired food at a food bank. We throw it away.

It was pretty fun working at the food bank. I hope we get to go back there. I'm really good at sorting food. And I saw a bunch of food that must be at the grocery that I've never seen before because I don't actually go down aisles to shop for food. I'm not a big fan of the grocery store because I'm afraid something might fall on my zombie knee. I just buy the food that's on the borders of the store.

One bin was full of food that went totally bad and it smelled like a dead body. Gross.

We moved all the food from the empty bins on the right to the bins on the left.

Barrels to collect more food. Oakland food bank feeds 40,000 people a week. Yes, a week.

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