Wednesday, November 9, 2011

guess who's getting a new computer

The answer would!!!!!!!!!!

I get 3 to choose from, and after a long discussion with the geeks at my client site, I know which one I want (even though it won't fit under a plane seat - they were like "dude, major RAM upgrade!" - I was like, "um, ok").

And demonstrating my company's complete illiteracy of technology, my manager, in response to his manger's manager's email asking why he didn't respond back to my email asking for help last week with my laptop, sent an email, repeat, SENT AN EMAIL, saying his email has been down and he hadn't got my email.

He can send, but not receive, email? What, he switched to a guy exchange server? Can send but not receive?

On a total random side note, check out this book the canterbury trail. I've only read excerpts, but it's really good. I've heard from a friend that the bone cage is great too.

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