Monday, October 31, 2011

I am so fucked

Everything, and every application, is failing on my laptop. I've just back doored myself onto the internet so I have some connectivity. NOTHING is working. I have NO idea what I'm going to do at the customer site tomorrow. I have a shit ton of data I need to import for a class tomorrow and I can't run or install my software, my VMWare won't play any images (thought I could 86 my real hard drive and just play on the virtual one), I can't connect to my company's network so they can help me...

They are telling me to go an office but it appears Calgary is a "remote location", with the additional problem that I'm an American employee working in Canada. Fucking fuck. I have to get this project done in a certain time frame because I'm booked for the next 4 weeks. My customer is going to eviscerate me. There's no hope.

I should fall on my sword now.

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