Saturday, July 30, 2011


Last night I had a dream that I was hanging out in this mansion like place somewhere in the suburbs. There was going to be a party and a male friend of mine (not sure who it was because I couldn't see his face - but he was someone I knew) was trying to help me pick out something to wear.

Then these two guys from the CIA showed up and started telling me about how they had given my male friend a shot so he would never get the flu again. They asked if I wanted a shot too and I said yes so they injected something into my back.

A few minutes later my friend came in and said "if those guys ask if you want a shot say no because they're testing a chemical that kills a person in a month". I was like oh fuck, they gave me the shot and my friend was like you're going to die.

Then the CIA guys came back and said "Oh, don't worry about the shot. It might not work. And it's easier because you'll never have to worry about catching up on your sleep again." I started trying to find a calendar in the house so I could figure out when I was going to die, but I kept traveling in time back to when I was 5 years old. I was standing in my old back yard, at the age of 5, in the rain, when I heard one of the guys say "time travel was not something we anticipated this drug could do." Then I started traveling through time so fast that I felt sick, like I was on a roller coaster. Then I felt a burning pain in my head and realized I was going to die.

Then I woke up.

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