Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"I think I'm being watched"

The funniest thing just happened...

I was standing outside my hotel smoking a cigarette (sorry dad) and thinking about the plot line for this spoof movie I want to make with my brother to make fun of a movie a robotics guy my brother doesn't like just put out on YouTube. I was pacing back and forth when suddenly this couple came out of the hotel.

He was a good looking older guy with gray hair, obviously married, with a younger blond who definitely wasn't his wife. He was saying good bye to her and they were having an annoyingly stupid conversation and there was obviously something more than friendship going on between them. I looked up at them in the hopes they would shut up or go somewhere else when the guy started acting all paranoid. I paced away from them and then decided to check my work email.

When I looked up from my crackberry they were talking in whispers and looking at me. I thought maybe it was because I'm wearing the same clothes that I wore to weed my parents' yard last saturday (I didn't wash them and they are dirty). Then they started walking by me towards the parking lot in a hurried manner.

As the guy walked by me he said in a loud voice "I think we're being watched. I don't like being watched." Haha! Like I'm some under cover detective who gives a shit about his personal life. I started laughing so the woman turned around and looked at me.

To the blond having an affair with the idiot, trust me, I don't care what you do with your personal life. I think it's sad you're fucking a passive aggressive moron, but that's your business.

Maybe I should quit smoking...

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