Thursday, June 2, 2011


Last night I had a dream that my friend Joe brought me to this old theater (like a theater you would see in a western town). When we got there he handed me a play bill. It had a burgundy border and there was a black and white old looking picture of our friend David in the lower right corner, then a woman standing behind David with her hand on his shoulder (her nails were painted burgundy and they were in color), a younger woman standing behind her with lilac nail polish (in color), and a guy standing behind her in the shadows. I was like "what is this?" and Joe said "David has written and will be starring in a play". When I tilted the play bill a cartoon bubble showed up coming out of David's mouth and he was saying "do you think you can last on our depression era savings?"

Then Joe put on a black toupee and we went into the theater. I was wearing a white turtleneck and a fancy Chanel jacket (actually it was the jacket to a gray suit I owned a long time ago). The play started but it was in black and white (the stage curtains were in color, burgundy). I couldn't really see what was going on or hear anything, except David, who was mumbling and talking with a really bad southern accent.

Then it was suddenly intermission and Joe and I went out to lobby of the theater and everyone was having red wine. I ordered an Izzi grapefruit juice. Everyone in the lobby seemed upset that I was not drinking wine. I said "Oh, sorry, I thought it was Ramadan". And a guy said "No, that was last month." Then he turned to the woman standing next to him and said "Is she for real?" in a really sarcastic way.

I was upset that David wrote and was starring in a play without telling me so I decided I was going to rewrite a new slogan to get people to drink coffee. I came up with some great ideas and wrote them down on these little slips of white paper. But as soon as I tried to pick up the paper it dissolved. So I kept trying to fold the papers into different configurations but they would still dissolve. I then thought I might be drunk from drinking the grapefruit juice so I asked Joe to watch while I wrote a new slogan to see if the paper was really dissolving. He said "Of course it's dissolving. What did you expect when you drink an effervescent drink instead of wine?"

He kept lifting up his black toupee because it was suddenly hot inside the theater. I took off my jacket and Joe said "Oh my god, what's on your arms?" I looked and saw I was sweating coffee so I put my jacket back on. Then David went to the edge of the stage and said "This is the part of the play where we chase the dog." Suddenly we were out on a street in a family resort by the lake looking place. I was running down the street with a bunch of people from the play and could see this german shepard looking dog running ahead of me.

Then I ran out on this wooden bridge that went over the lake and everyone from the play started screaming "No! Stop!" I looked down and saw a bunch of eye balls protruding from the wooden planks of the bridge. Then a guy said "You are NOT ALLOWED to run there unless you are wearing RUNNING SHOES!" He was really mad at me. I looked down and saw I was wearing stilettos. I was embarrassed that I almost put out the eyes on the bridge with my shoes so I said to the guy "Well I'm not allowed to run in these shoes anyway".

I was so embarrassed I went into this cabin by the lake and my friend Trina was there talking on the phone and smoking. There was a bar attached to the cabin but when I poked my head in the door the lady who was tending bar, who was a total redneck looking person, said "we don't serve your kind in here". I was embarrassed again because I figured she was referring to how I almost stepped on the bridge eyeballs. So I went back to Trina's cabin and she was still talking on the phone, so I thought I would take my kindle outside to read but the battery was dead. Just then I saw a bunch of people from the play running out of a forest. I started thinking I should comb my hair so I looked nice when they got to the cabin. And suddenly a voice which was my voice came out of the sky and said loudly "You NEVER comb your hair!"

Then I woke up.

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