Thursday, March 17, 2011

cleaning the pipes

Since I have a maid (had to get one with the amount of time I spend traveling - someone has to check in on my house - shut up about the maid already, lots of people have one) I miss cleaning things. Though, it's freeing me up to do what I call "extreme cleaning".

Like this morning, when I woke up at 530 and couldn't go back to sleep. I did what any normal person would do that early in the morning. I removed all the pipes from under my three sinks (two bathroom, one kitchen) and soaked them to clean them. Then I used a bamboo pole that's supposed to be for propping plants up (like anything in my yard is going to grow tall enough to have to be propped up, the average height at death for plants in my yard is 6 inches) and scraped out the in situ pipes. Really gross stuff came out. I have no idea what it was. Probably my rotting hair or something.

Later I did some research and found out that you can dump a box of baking soda, a cup of vinegar, and boiling water down pipes to clean them. So tomorrow I'm buying an industrial size bottle of vinegar and a bunch of boxes of baking soda. You should try it, it's fun. The baking soda and vinegar make a little foaming volcano. Then adding the boiling water makes a huge bubbly mess. It's like a science experiment for adults that also cleans your pipes.

I should mention while doing a search for a natural way to clean my pipes, I discovered that's also a term for masturbating. I always thought it meant pooping. Maybe for people my age it still means pooping, I don't know. And I found like a billion web sites for cleaning pot residue from glass pipes. I found that interesting. Most people I know that smoke pot are slobs.

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