Saturday, January 1, 2011

the wrong Ben

I am such a fucking moron.

When I was talking to Shim at the Bozeman Icefest he was telling me about a climber dude I should meet named Ben. I thought I knew Ben, and decided to email him about possibly building a bouldering cave in my garage.

So I send Ben, a guy I knew from the east coast, an email saying I had talked to Shim, that Shim said hi, and could he give me some info about building a climbing wall. Then I put a bunch of chatty shit in the email figuring Shim must have emailed him that I would be emailing him. Blah blah blah I went on about a bunch of stupid shit. Ben responded back to my first email right away so I emailed him back, inviting him to Denver as per Shim's suggestion. Ben never responded back to that email.

Then on Thursday night Shim called to wish me a happy new year. I mentioned to him that I had contacted Ben, but used his first and last name. Shim paused for a moment and said "I don't know that guy." I was like but you said I should email Ben. Shim was like "Well, that's the wrong Ben".

SO embarrassed. Ben probably thinks I'm some kind of idiot, and I wonder why he didn't ask me why Shim was saying hi when he doesn't know Shim. Worse, he's friends with a bunch of people I knew at this gym where I have a high profile ex. And all the people at that gym gossip like they're still in high school. I'm going to send Ben (the wrong ben) an email trying to explain myself so he doesn't think I'm a total twit. Though Shim and Cat both said I shouldn't email explaining.

I always have to do things people tell me not to :D

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