Sunday, January 16, 2011

quiet please, my dough is resting

So last night, after 2 glasses of wine, and while switching to the second DVD for Godfather II, I decided to make some bread. I had been given an "easy" recipe from the ladies at La Crueset when I bought my pots. It's a bread I can make in my dutch oven. In theory.

I thought last night went pretty good. I put my flour through the flour shifter (shocked I own one, aren't you). Then I didn't exactly measure the amount of yeast I put in, but more should be better, right? I had to do some mathematical calculations on the water (perhaps that's where things went wrong).

This morning when I checked my dough it looked exactly like the directions said it should. Bubbly on top. I luckily checked the directions around 2 (I'm making the bread for dinner tonight at 630 - my rope gun is coming over and is making me chicken picata) and found out the dough had to be taken out of the bowl, rolled in some flour, laid on a towel with more towel on top, and that it still needed another two hours to "rest" before being ready to cook (for an hour and a half - that seems excessive).

I rolled it out and did just what the directions said, except that it said to form the dough into a ball, which was kind of impossible because it's like a total blob. Then it said to rest the dough on its seam. Seam? What the fuck is that? I just put it on the towel and it sort of oozed into a flat kind of thing. I tried putting more flour in but the recipe said you can only do that if you do it quickly and not to man handle the dough too much. It was supposed to rise to twice it's normal size.

Anyway, after an hour it's still the same old blob as before. I even turned on the oven to give the dough more heat and that's not helping (it's sitting on top of the oven).

Damn. Fucking bread. How about this dough blob? Less resting, more rising.

I will post a picture of it after it's cooked. Should be good for a few laughs.

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