Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Masa absconds with Moschops

While up in Banff to meet with Tony I ended up having dinner with 3 of the writers in this year's group.

I got to sit across from this very hot guy named Masa. He's writing a book about living off the grid, but he was having problems starting. I showed him Moschops and bragged about him being my magic writing dinosaur. Masa liked Moschops and asked if he could hold him. I let him, but he started squeezing him so I took Moschops back because Moschops doesn't like to be squeezed.

Masa asked how he works and I told him I just put Moschops on my laptop, facing the screen, and then I start writing. Masa asked if I had a PC, and then he wanted to know if Moschops was Mac compatible.

I'm a sucker for anyone in need, especially if that person is hot, so I ended up giving Moschops to Masa for the night. He was supposed to give him back to me on Thursday night, since I was leaving Friday. No, I didn't get his phone number or email.

I ran into Masa on Thursday afternoon. He was going somewhere, but asked if we could meet later for a drink. I gave him my email address but never heard from him. By the time I left on Friday I was pissed, but then thought maybe it was fate that I lost Moschops.

On Sunday I sent an email to Tony asking for Masa's address. I realized I was more attached to my magic writing dinosaur than I was willing to admit. I'm not a materialistic person but Moschops was with me during a very dark period of doubt about my book, and he's the one who got me writing again.

In the mean time my friend Camile gave me another dinosaur, who's blue and as she said "much fiercer than Moschops". But it wasn't the same. I was relieved to hear from Masa, who will be sending Moschops to me on Friday at the end of his writing program. And Moschops worked for him too, so I don't think it's just me being silly.

I told him I would send him the fierce blue dinosaur, and Masa is calling him "blue boy". I suggested he start a blog for blue boy called "Magic Writing Dinosaur Living Off The Grid" and Masa thought it was a good idea. We'll see if he does it.

And we'll see if I get Moschops back.

1 comment:

  1. So have you now replaced your obsession with
    sharks by an infatuation with dinosaurs?
