Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I may be regressing on the snake thing. Or maybe I'm just getting a little freaked out because, with all the rain we've gotten the past few days I'm worried about snakes getting in the building.

Last night I had a dream that I was at a conference in a house in the woods. People kept handing me large green binders and saying I missed sessions that I was supposed to attend. But every time I tried to find the rooms where the sessions were held I kept ending up in this dining room area that looked almost exactly like the dining room in the house where I was writing when I was up in Banff.

Then the sessions were over so a guy suggested that I do the dishes to make up for missing all of my sessions. I looked in the sink and it was full of wooden blocks in the shape of cubes, triangles, and circles. I was like "I can't put those in the dishwasher" and the guy said "it's fine, they are dishwasher safe, see?" The inside of the dishwasher was full of the blocks. I was like "what are these for?" and he said "You roll out dough and wrap them around the blocks, and it makes a delightful pastry. Didn't you get one? No, I guess not because you missed all of the sessions." He said he was going to find one for me but someone had put them in the refrigerator and they were all deflated and not delightful at all.

Then a guy came running in and said "what are you doing???? your car is leaving to take you to the airport!!!!" I ran up to my room and grabbed my suitcase and tried to pick up my binders but there were too many to carry. I grabbed what I could and ran downstairs but the car had already left. I was like "fucking fuck, I am fucking up EVERYTHING on this trip!"

A guy told me that I could walk through the woods on this overgrown path to get to the airport but to watch out for snakes. I was like great. So I started dragging my suitcase down the path and there were snakes everywhere. The woods were really thick and the branches were hitting my arms and head and they were slimy. I was totally freaking out and mad at myself for being such a wimp in the woods, and I felt like I had been walking for hours and getting no where.

Then I saw a light that I thought was the airport. But I had to cross a huge river to get to it. There were some rickety wooden planks placed on rocks across the river. I lowered myself down the river bank down to the first plank, which was four feet below the bank. I went to grab my suitcase but the plank started breaking. I kept jumping from place to place as the plank got smaller and smaller and then I jumped on the last section and fell in the water.

The water was really cold and black. I was afraid a python would eat me. I couldn't swim because the current was so strong. Suddenly I was washed up on shore near the light and I realized it wasn't the airport, I was back at the house. I started crying because I had lost my suitcase and my binders, and because I had spent so much time walking through the scary woods only to end up back at the same place.

Then I woke up.
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