Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Blame it on the jet lag (can't believe I'm still jet lagged a week after my flight - I guess staying up for 40 hours straight and then not getting any sleep my first few days back was a bad idea). I've somehow let my dad talk me into doing a ride called Ragbrai.

The ride is across the state of Iowa. Okay, that's a lot flatter than where I usually ride here in Colorado. But. Given my travel schedule I don't know how much time I'll have to train on a real bike. And, I hate hate hate riding a bike in the gym. What's the point? You can't run anything over and there's no traffic to dodge. Boring.

Also, I only have a mountain bike. His name is max crash. Since I bought him in 2003 I have wrecked him countless times and suffered the following injuries:

-dislocated left shoulder
-fractured right wrist (twice)
-fractured left wrist (at the same time that I fractured the right wrist - that wasn't fun)
-broken toe, right foot (stupid ground hog ran in front of me)
-broken hand (it was healing from a previous break, I guess I shouldn't have been riding in the snow with a broken hand)
-road rash, right side of my body (fell into a ravine)
-bruise on my ass from the bike seat (should have lowered it before I went down a steep hill - my ass cheek looked like an eye with a big pupil in the center)
-other minor cuts and scrapes

Anyway, riding 70 to 100 miles a day on a mountain bike for a week should be interesting.

My ass hurts already.


  1. RAGBRAI - been there done that.

    My advice, spend some of the tax free dollars from across the pond on a new bike.

    At the very least, get yourself a roadbike, drop at least 1K (no less) or you will be fucking with it all the time. Get fitted by the bike shop, get some decent bike shorts and a good helmet.

    either way your ass is going to hurt, it will go numb after a while. Pack plenty of personal lube.

    -Anon #1

  2. I will not wear bike shorts. Ever. They are possibly the most retarded article of clothing ever invented.

    I have a good helmet. To quote the only intelligent thing an ex-boyfriend said "if you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet". My head is obviously worth considerably more than $10.

    And, personal lube? This is a vacation with my dad for fuck's sake.
