Wednesday, February 17, 2010

robot talk

I have been totally stressed out at work for the past few weeks, trying to fit in about 30 days of training in two weeks. I've been keeping my poor engineers locked in a training room for 11 hours straight (I give them a 10 minute break at lunch to get food).

So today texas kid, who is by now very bored with training, kept asking annoying questions at the beginning of the training class. Finally, I lost my temper with him (besides doing training for 11 hours, I am spending 5 hours doing prep work for the following day, and supporting sales, and doing the usual admin stuff) and said "Stop being a little shit".

This hurt texas kid's feelings a lot. He decided that he wasn't going to speak to me anymore. So when I asked him a question, he typed his answer into google translator and then clicked on the sound button (it takes what ever you type in and reads it in a robot voice).

I found that exceedingly funny. So then I went to a different web site, that had a translator with a british accent, and typed in another question for him. And he responded through google translator again. Soon we were both finding new translators on the web with different accents.

No one else in the class thought it was very funny. But texas kid is speaking to me again.

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