Thursday, February 18, 2010

the end in the UAE...

Today was my last day of work in the UAE. I'm sad to leave, but happy to go home, even if it's only for a week (I head off to Canada for an engagement 28 February). The iraqi I work with brought his camera in today to take some pictures. This image should be familiar to everyone who knows me (when do I not have a coke in my hand?).

This pic was taken in the training room where I work and have had the team locked up doing architecture hell week for the past two weeks.

And this is the texas kid and the iraqi failing to take their last day of training seriously :D

One thing the iraqi said to me today is that they have an expression in his country: when a man teaches you something, you are his slave. Then he thanked me for teaching him. It was touching.

I am currently in my room waiting for Ireland to show up for my going away party. We decided it would be girls only. I'm hoping for a quiet evening so I can get up and go to the beach one last time tomorrow.

ETA to Denver Saturday evening, inshallah.


  1. I don't know you. However, I am surprised that you actually drink coke. There is probably nothing worse for you. -- You seem to have it together otherwise, at least from your blog entries on pizza choice etc.

    Good to see a photo of you. Might I comment that you are a fine figure of a woman for someone that is so smart, and well.. interesting. (and pain in the ass from what I can tell)

    btw, when am I ever going to get a copy of the book? -- hope you enjoyed the flowers, flowers. hah.

    safe travels!

  2. Unlike Anon #1, I do know you, but it's also good to see photos of you. Since I don't make my weekly treks to Denver anymore it may be a while before there are any drunken texts asking you to come out with me and co-workers or break-ins at your house to steal VHS tapes of classic movies. I'm getting written into a proposal in Dubai--wouldn't that be a bummer to go over there and not have you there to show me around? I'm sure I'll make it to Denver again before too long and I'll make sure I let you know and will hike through the bad parts of town to get to your oasis of gentrification.

    Looking forward to the next chapter in the life of FF.


  3. So this is anon #1, perhaps you can refer to me as that going forward so you can have continuity.

    However, I would love to meet you one day, perhaps the next time I am Denver as I travel all the time. I suspect you would enjoy the conversation, I know I would.

    Also bring the book. I will buy Jeffy quality wines just to meet the writer in person.

    -Anon #1

  4. Anon #1 -

    You'll never meet a more entertaining person.

    - Anon #2

  5. Um, just talk about me like I'm not even here. Drip, let me know about Dubai. I may have to head back to 'Dhabi before the summer is over.
