Saturday, November 29, 2008

bad snake dream

Don't know if it's the altitude or what, but I had the weirdest nightmare last night...

I dreamed that I was in the kitchen of my sister's house, except it was only half the size, and one wall was missing. The house was open to the outside and right where the wall was supposed to be was a pool with the carcass of a dead man floating in it. The carcass was missing the arms, legs, and head, and it had a big bite taken out of the middle of it. Inside the pool was a huge great white shark.

I wanted to jump into the pool because I thought the shark could protect me from this psycho man, who kind of looked like one of my ex-boyfriends. The psycho man had a stick and kept poking this long green snake. Every time he poked the snake it would flare up into a cobra. I was panicking and wanted to get away from the man and his snake. He was trying to pick the snake up by the tail, supposedly to throw the snake out of the house so I would be safe.

The man and the snake kept getting closer and closer to me. I was standing on the edge of the pool pleading with the guy to let me jump in, but he kept saying "I know you think that shark won't bite you, but it will."

Then the guy grabbed the snake by the tail and the snake started lashing out at me. It was getting really close and I was screaming so the guy threw the stick to me and said "If it gets close to you just hit it with the stick." I picked up the stick right as the guy dropped the snake and the snake was at my ankle. I felt like I was going to faint and then I looked down to see if maybe by standing still the snake wouldn't bite me. Right as I looked down the snake was flared like a cobra and bit me right in the heart and then I was like "Damn, I'm going to die. I knew I should have jumped into the pool with the shark." Then I woke up and was so scared from the dream I couldn't go back to sleep.

Maybe I should stop eating tuna fish sandwiches for dinner. I've had a lot of bad dreams this past week...

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