Monday, June 23, 2008

girl fight tonight

Is it not bad enough that I have spent the past two weeks in Vegas getting hit on by a very unattractive lesbian? Why, baby Jesus, did you put that stupid bitch C in my class today?

This woman is a cunt of the highest order, which would be fine if she were smart, but she's really quite stupid, and worse, lies when confronted about the stupid shit she keeps saying in an attempt to derail my class. She started off the morning by making a stupid comment that was more aimed at me personally than the class material, which I turned around on her to explain because her logic was so poor it only took mere miliseconds to poke a hole in her argument (for architecture geeks, she stated that she had created a business function hierarchy using a UML activity model - this is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of).

So the next hour she escalated by making another, more personal comment and another more idiotic technical comment (that a sequence flow and a functional decomp accomplish the same thing). I seriously think she was out surfing web sites and just reading random sentences. She accused me of not knowing the course material that I am teaching (yeah, I've only been doing this FOR SEVENTEEN YEARS BITCH). Then she claimed the standard doc I teach to said something it didn't (that you could use an activity diagram in place of an IDEF0 or use case model). So, being a retarded engineer, I pulled up the standard and said "Show me where you read that" because I've used the standard since 2004 and I know what it fucking says because I argue with idiots like her all the time.

Meanwhile, the front row, all 8 seats, are filled with retired Navy guys, who start quietly chanting "girl fight tonight!" I can hear them, but C, who is sitting 5 rows away can't. I am trying to not laugh. I am trying to not jump up on the table in front of me, cross the room Lucy Liu style and cut her head off with my imaginary samurai sword.

I instead start to laugh as the "girl fight tonight" chant gets more lines added to it, of the flavor you would expect from a navy kind of guy. Fine, I'm immature. Cheri apparently thought I was laughing at her, started to cry (this woman, by the by, must be in her late 40s, going on, I guess, 5), and ran out of the room. Then there was stunned silence. I kept going with the class and then afterwards when everyone else had left the navy guys were all like "what the fuck was THAT?"

I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen to the male instructors but I could be wrong. And this could explain why women in general get a bad rap in engineering organizations.

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