Thursday, December 26, 2013

skiing Jackson

Yesterday we skied Taggart Lake. It was my first experience with swix wax. I did really good skinning up but on the way down I took my skins off and FH put on the swix. Unfortunately, he didn't realize my ski has a greater camber than his so it didn't work as well on my skis.

Swix looks like snot, but it's for skis
 It was really scenic and the snow was in good shape even though it hasn't snowed here since Monday night.
I actually look like I know what I'm doing.

Here I seem confused by my poles.

Ski through the trees - and I made it down a similar narrow trail without hitting a tree.
Heading down to the car was going great until I hit a two foot steep section. I tried to walk up it but I didn't have enough swix on my skis so I kept sliding backwards. Then I decided to walk up the hill sideways but forgot my heels were not locked in. I got half way up the hill and suddenly pitched forward, doing a face plant right between my skis. As if that weren't bad enough, I tried to push myself to a standing position with my poles and the skis took off from under me. I ended up in a pool of water (it was 5 degrees outside).

I flailed around in the water for a few seconds and tried to lock my heels into my skis, but I couldn't see the bindings. I wallowed around like a beached whale and then realized there were two people coming. I managed to get out of the pool, get my bindings locked, and get over the hill before they saw me acting like an idiot.

Today we skied Phelps Lake.

The ski was fun except that I had gotten a blister on my left foot from skiing in wet socks yesterday (and I NEVER get blisters because I walk around barefoot all the time). The blister got a lot worse, and then I ended up getting another blister on my right foot. By the time we got back to the car I was in so much pain I couldn't get my boots off (they were stuck with blood on the sides of the boot linings). FH and his sister finally managed to yank my boots off but it ripped the skin off my feet.
Ech. Ouch.
So tomorrow we may take the day off from skiing to go ice skating or do something else that doesn't involve me ripping the skin off my feet.

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