Monday, October 28, 2013

last adventure for this year in the toy hauler

collegiate peaks!
 Since this was the last weekend for camping in the toy hauler FH proposed we take a trip to do some climbing and dirt biking.

We left for 4 mile canyon late Friday afternoon. Typical, it started raining as soon as we got on the highway. And because it was raining there was no moon. The area where we were camping is off 285 on a dirt road. It was quite an adventure trying to find it, but we finally did.

Saturday morning I realized I had forgotten to bring my climbing gear. FH was like "grrr". We decided to go for a hike instead. It was a great hike and there were no snakes.

We decided to spend the afternoon riding dirt bikes. I haven't been on a bike since 2007 so I was a little nervous. The bike I was using is really slow though so I thought I would be okay. We got about a mile down a dirt road and I was going way too slow on my bike so we decided to split up. He was going to ride a trail that looped back around to the road I was on so we could meet up again.

I didn't have cell service so I was on my own. And right after FH rode away I realized that I had never kick started the bike I was on. I worried with my zombie knee that I wouldn't be able to do it. So the whole time I was riding I was freaking out about stalling the bike...

...which I did when some asshole swerved onto my road from another road and almost ran me over. I steered out of his way, grabbed the clutch, and stalled. I tried to kick start the bike. Nothing. I tried to roll start it. Nothing. I was 6 miles from the camp site and not entirely sure where I was. Just as I was about to abandon the bike and start walking a family pulled up. It took three of them 5 minutes to finally start the bike.

I managed to make it almost back to the camp site when I took a final turn from the road I was on to the road the camp site was on (I was about a quarter of a mile from the camp site). As I went into the turn I second guessed myself, thought "hm, am I going to fast?" and suddenly I dumped the bike. I hit the ground right arm first and then bounced. Sitting right across from where I wrecked was a fat woman in a van. She waited until I got the bike upright before asking if I was okay. Um, thanks. For the record, the front fork on the bike is twisted and the handlebars are bent so that played a part in my wreck (I should have been able to take the turn at the speed I was going if the bike wasn't jacked up).

I tried to start the bike but it wouldn't start. So I decided to walk back to the camp site and wait for FH. Luckily, just as I took off my helmet he showed up in his truck. After a number of tries he got the bike started and we went back to the camp site.

That's where he discovered that I had broken his chest protector in my fall (where I hit the ground with my arm). He said in the 13 years he's been wearing a chest protector he's never cracked one. I couldn't tell if he was impressed or disappointed in me.
have padding - will break it

FH jumping without getting injured...and I can't even make a simple turn without wrecking
Then we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon shooting guns because he thought that was a safer thing for me to do. You can see how dirty my arm is from the fall. I shot up a beer can and a pumpkin. I kept trying to hit a coke can but couldn't. FH said it's because I love coke so much that I can't bear to shoot the can.
"she's a pacifist - mostly"
Saturday night it got so cold that the batteries for the toy hauler froze along with our water. Luckily the generator had enough fuel to keep us warm. Sunday it was too cold to ride (I forgot my gloves) so we headed back to Denver.

Next up...skiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let it snow (cubed)!!!!!!!!!!

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