Thursday, February 28, 2013

sometimes gaming the system doesn't work because the system is fucking stupid

So, against part of the advice of a friend who's a professional athlete ("doing too much PT can exacerbate an injury"), but following other of his advice ("increase quantity before increasing resistence"), I doubled and then tripled up on my PT, which I started a month ago because my knee hurt so bad I could barely walk. I was initially given a green thera-band (easy) and told that I could get a blue band if I improved. Instead I decided I wanted the yellow band (the hardest thera-band) because I'm an over-achiever and wanted to skip blue (it's like the silver medal - no one wants to be #2), which is why I was doing extra PT exercises.

I was all ready last Friday to go in for my appointment and get my yellow band. Then my fucking therapist called in sick and my appointment was canceled. So I had it rescheduled for today and did a bunch more workouts in the mean time.

I get there, and it's not my therapist, it's some pipsqueak named April. She didn't even ask to see me do my exercises, just started tying blue thera-bands around my legs and shit. I was like "wait a minute, the blue is too easy, I think I need the yellow thera-band". She was like "what yellow thera-band?" and I was like "the hardest thera-band, the yellow one." I showed her how the blue thera-and was so easy for me that I could do my inverted plank and spread my knees wide enough to give birth (should only be able to pull them a few inches apart).

She looked at me for about a minute without speaking and then slowly said "the hardest thera-band IS the blue." I showed her on my tablet that it's yellow. She said "we don't have yellow here" and I realized I had somehow mistaken an orange thera-band (stupid easy) I had seen on the ground in my previous session for yellow.

Then April said "if you could do the exercises with the yellow thera-band you wouldn't be in therapy would you?"

Whatevah, bitch.

So, I didn't get my yellow thera-band and was instead given a sheet of paper instructing me how to build a wobble board. The bottom of the paper has a warning that I may get a concussion or serious injury if I fall off the wobble board or close my eyes while on the wobble board. And I have to wear two blue thera-bands for all my exercises since my PT office DOESN'T HAVE THE FUCKING YELLOW THERA-BAND.

Total. Suck.

I didn't make another appointment.

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