Wednesday, October 3, 2012

don't answer business emails whilst pooping

Yesterday I received an email from an ex client regarding a macro in the software tool I supported at my old job:

Phil (the client):
[My ex company] responded saying that it is not possible to set print defaults. Word uses a template for Reports that run on a Macro. There is no way to modify files.” Naturally my first thought went to you – knowing that nothing is “not possible” for a Dark Knightress. So, what do you think, oh mighty one? Should I just suck it up or should I try to nuts with their .dot file?

That doesn't sound right. I can't test my theory since I don't have a copy of the software but I know the guy who wrote the macro. Let me ping him and get back to you.

Me to Pascal:

Does this sound right?

Pascal (who responded while I was sleeping since he's in the UK):

Leave it with me. I know Paul very very well. Do you mind if I reply to him?

Then Pascal responded to Phil before I could respond that the client is named Phil, not Paul. I should mention Phil is a Captain in the Navy (i.e. very high ranking). At first I wasn't worried when I saw the salutation was to someone named Phil. Then I read the rest of the email.

The Hominator left [my ex company]?????
You are a cad and a bounder for
1.        not telling us you were planning on or had left [my ex company
2.        Not coming to yer old muckers for help on [my software tool I supported]
I can answer your question but being as what you didn't ask us first I shan't…so there….

Phil (who cc:ed Paul):
Hi Pascal,
I’m sure you are thinking of my unrelated namesake in the UK, Paul [Last Name]. He, by coincidence, is also a senior Enterprise Architect. He and I have exchanged emails and architectures on occasion, but never met. As far as I can tell, dear Paul is still keeping [my ex company] afloat and would never leave without the proper goodbyes.

The Homanator – I like it. 

Hi John, sorry... Jack, no I mean Joshua... oh whatever  ... Mr Pascal.

Still here... haven't left... and wouldn't dare ask a question of anyone else other than you of course...  well that was until you couldn't remember my name ;-))


Pascal (to me):
Good lord! I have embarrassed myself here haven't I!?
I am still laughing!
Pascal (to me):
Fortunate it was a friendly recipient. Just proves that you should be careful when sending jokey emails late evening via a small screen while sat on the crapper…….
You were pooping? That's even funnier!

He he. I aim to please!

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