Monday, September 17, 2012

from underwear to star wars

I had a writer's group meeting on Saturday and one thing that always strikes me is how little some writers are able to visualize what they're writing. One guy I was working with had a meet cute scene in his book where a guy opens a car door and knocks his soon to be love interest over.

Being an aspie, I immediately went out side and measured the distance between my car door, the curb, and the side walk. I measure other cars to get a good sampling. I then created a diagram showing the guy that it would be impossible for the character in question to be knocked over by a car door because the door would be too short.

Do you think he changed his book? No. Which is why I rarely read fiction.

We were reading a scene in Kevin's screen play Saturday and he had a stage direction about a male character looking at a female character's back and seeing her underwear poking out above her jeans and thinking it was sexy. I was like "dude, that is so NOT sexy." Given the amount of travel I do I am exposed to women's underwear a lot more than I want to be. It is NOT sexy AT ALL to see some woman with low rider jeans with underwear hanging out the back. Of course all the guys disagreed with me. Then I said it should be star wars underwear if he was going to show underwear because that's the most unsexy thing I could think of.

Which might explain the dream I had last night...

I dreamed that I was living in a house that wasn't like my house at all. Suddenly my friend Blanchy showed up and I made us toast with butter on it. Then all these weirdly costumed women walked in and started eating the toast. I was like "who the fuck are you guys?" They sang a song that went:

As strange as this may sound
As interesting as this may be
We're the characters from star wars
It's a pretty good movie

Um, what?

I was like "stop eating all the toast" and one of the women said "and we're also going to sit in your favorite chair and buy your house." I woke up worried that someone had actually bought my house.

Then I drank some water and went back to bed (it was 3 am). I didn't have any more dreams that I remembered but that stupid song is still stuck in my head.

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