Saturday, May 5, 2012

a new holiday?

I dragged my friend Kevin along on a hike today at Roxborough, since he lives right by it and has never been. We did Carpenter's Peak. I had fun, I think for Kevin it was more like the Bataan death march.

Anyway, we were hungry when we finished so we stopped at the safeway shopping center near the park. Choices of food were mexican and asian. We opted for asian as neither of us are huge mexican food fans (that is, the american version of mexican food).

As we were looking at the menu Kevin said something about not wanting to eat "fucking mexican food on Cinco de Mayo". Then he said "we're eating chinese food - it's chink-o de mayo".

The waiter was kind of like "um, what?" but Kevin didn't notice because he was busy texting his gay room mate, who responded "I fucking hate mexican food".

The end.

I'm getting Kevin into shape so we can do Bierstadt. Maybe by June if he keeps working out every day. He's a vegan now and has already lost some weight. Of course, he had extreme difficulty getting out of my car when I dropped him at his house. Something about a sore toe and a jacked up ankle. He'll live.

See you at the top!


  1. I'm sure you meant Bierstadt (you had a typo). If so, plan to do Evans on the same trip via the knife ridge. It is a hoot!! But keep to the right or you will end up on Spaulding instead of Evans.


  2. Kevin. What more needs to be said.

  3. Oops, guess I was tired when I wrote this. I did the sawtooth a few years ago. It was fun but then the slog up to Evans was boring and windy. Went down via the gully so I wouldn't have to back track. That was interesting. I missed the trail, ended up downclimbing for 70 feet and then got lost in the willows. I didn't think I'd ever see my car again.
