Wednesday, April 6, 2011

helpless desk

Considering I'm a consultant for a huge IT company, it does not seem unreasonable that I would expect the help desk to provide help for my laptop.

What the hell was I thinking...

I submitted a trouble ticket on Friday (I tried to CALL the help desk, but after being transferred to four different numbers, none of which was the right number, I gave up - stupid me, calling the number listed on the IT help desk web page) because a virus shut down my firewall. Seems like a CRITICAL problem, right????

Wrong. I never heard back on my ticket. So yesterday I did some research (not on the help desk web page - it was full of useless information and broken links) and fixed the problem myself. Today I got a bitchy email from the help desk saying my ticket was going to be closed due to inactivity.

What the fuck?????? They don't respond back to my ticket, which allows them to close it because no activity has been done on it? I fired off an email back to the help desk saying the reason there was no activity on the ticket was because they never responded back to it. So then the help desk called me to show I guess that they were doing SOMETHING. And what they did was transfer my help ticket to another organization because they want me to re-image my laptop. Though, having researched doing that last week, I found out that you have to download a bunch of software for re-imaging (they don't send out CDs anymore because that would be helpful) and the files for download are either missing or have errors. One guy had his hard drive wiped clean and then couldn't re-install Windows XP on it, nor could he access the help desk web page as he was being told to do because he couldn't install anything on it. He put a crazy message on the help desk blog about his problems (from someone else's laptop).

Poor thing. I wonder if he's in a padded white room salivating on himself and singing christmas carols.

I'm glad I work at a company full of unhelpful fuckers. Meanwhile my laptop is operating at half mast. Not like I have real work to do...assholes.

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