Saturday, April 23, 2011

bird houses

Today I finished painting the bird houses that I bought with my mom after my surgery.

 Lessons learned: it's more fun to paint them when my mom is here (tomorrow I'll post the ones we painted together). I called her while I was painting them and she said she wished we had done them together. The birds probably wish that too...

This is supposed to be a bird house for birds tripping on acid. I've never tripped on acid, but if I ever did, I would want to do it in a lavender and pink house.

This was supposed to be sort of a chinese bird house, for birds migrating from there. I was talking to my sister on the phone when I painted it. That's why I took the time to make shingles on it.

This was supposed to be sort of a Moroccan style bird house. I know, makes you wonder if craft stores should sell paints and unfinished bird houses to just anyone.

This was supposed to be a bird beach house. I can already hear my brother Steve making fun of it. Shut up Steve. Pretend it's a coal powered bird house.

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