Friday, October 29, 2010

you know you've been traveling too much when...

You always bring your suitcase when you leave the house, because it seems strange to be getting into your car for any reason other than to go to the airport.

You have a moment of panic because you put your keys and your blackberry in the same pocket, and you're afraid your blackberry has demagnetized your keys.

You wonder why the bed hasn't been made up, and then realize there's no maid service at your house.

You throw trash on the floor of your car, and then remember it's not a rental.

You look for the do not disturb sign to hang on your door before you go to bed.

When you wake up the first thing you do is open your suitcase to see what clothes options you have for the day, and then momentarily panic because the suitcase is empty.

You wake up early in the morning and decide to go to the hotel gym, only to discover your house doesn't have a hotel gym.

You mention to the punk at the 7-11 where you are buying cigarettes that the birthdate is located at the top of your Colorado driver's license, only to remember, when he glares at you, that you are in Colorado.

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