Friday, April 9, 2010

Joe tries to kill me...again

I seem to be more likely to die trying to drive to an ice climb than actually ice climbing. On Friday I drove up to Montana to visit Joe. He said there was still some ice up at Pine Creek. We took his friend's truck and headed up there Saturday morning, even though it was snowing.

I had not forgotten how scary the Pine Creek road was since I had to drive it last year after a snow. But Joe thought we would be okay in the truck. We got halfway to the parking lot and the truck was pushing snow. We didn't have a place to turn around so we drove all the way to the parking lot. Scary. Then we decided to turn around because the snow conditions were getting worse and we were worried we would get stuck at the trail head. I started making this movie as the conditions got worse.

If I sound a little nervous that's because I was. Nice driving again this year Joe!

1 comment:

  1. omg ... CRAZY... but why does Joe want your panties? hmmmmm LOL hey it stops right at the moment of TRUTH
