Friday, May 22, 2009

dumb ass

People who forgot today is my birthday:
my mom, who is supposed to keep track of this stuff for me so I don't have to worry about it (hell, if I pushed 5 pounds or whatever I weighed (I was a preemie) out of my vagina, I think I would remember that day forever)

People who remembered (in order of appearance):
My co-author (hbd via Bob Dylan)
Trina (thanks for the ghetto bday wishes!!! that was the funniest text ever)
Glen-ski, my best friend from high school, how he remembers shit after all this time I don't know (sorry I made fun of you in NYC)
my brother Bob, who never remembers anything, including his own birthday (maybe because I just spent my birthday evening painting his house his brain did that thing where it actually thinks)
my old boss Barry (who called me two days ago to wish me hbd, and then called me today because he realized he called the wrong day, I actually feel guilty now that I purposely got the idiot admins on our project to put his name as "Berry" on all of his award plaques)
my sister's husband (though I suspect he was really calling me about the dogs, since I'm watching them this weekend)
my dad, who can't remember his birthday either (this could be a genetic thing, perhaps someone would like to do a scientific study on my family) - in fact, not only did he remember my birthday, but he also sent me a jewish cookbook (he said the recipes looked "easy" and I was like okay dude, you can cook one when you come visit me and he was like fuck that, we're going to order out) and a book on sharks (every shark in this illustrated masterpiece is shown ripping a hand or leg off of some unsuspecting swimmer)
Felty, the mail man stalker, who's question prompted this email


  1. Happy Birthday Flowers.

  2. i found your blog searching on Vic Fehrenbach in your post about Car dodging or whatever. If this is who I am thinking it is, was your mom a Dayton Daily News paper lady for a couple of years and you lived on Harshmanville?

    If so, I went to school at St Pete's with Vic and Cathy.

    Say hi to your family from Dayton OH.

  3. oh yeah, and happy birthday!

  4. Who are you? It is me, from St. Pete's. I think you can send me an email from my blog...

    My sister Cat is married with two kids. Last we heard from Vic he was in the air force I think, flying fighter jets. Cat lives in DC and I'm in Denver.

  5. I must be a shit for brains cause I can't locate your email from your blog. This is Steve Naas. My brother Doug and Bob were in the same class. I think my brother Keith and your brother Steve were the same age.

    Vic has been in the news big time. Since 5/19 when he was on MSNBC. It is a huge shame. The military is looking to discharge him on the DADT policy. Crazy stupid. Highest ranking active duty service personnel. He is in Idaho.

    Tell your sister I said hi too. LAst time I heard she and I spoke just after she got engaged. Been a long time.
