Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kandy S, better rehire your lawyer

This total cunt knocking twat of a human being hit Jake 2 October 2008. At the scene of the accident she gave me her insurance card. It wasn't until I got home and contacted my insurance company that I found out she didn't have insurance.

A month later I was contacted by my insurance company because Kandy had hired a lawyer who contacted them. They told to get an estimate on fixing Jake. I was on the road so I asked my house pest 1.0 to make my car available to the agent. The stupid fuck nut left my car parked in a zone where they ticket, even though I reminded him to move my car, so I ended up getting a $25 parking ticket. HP1.0 said he would pay it, but didn't, so the cost of the ticket ended up being $40, with a late fee, that I had to pay.

The cost to fix Jake was $500.03. I sent the estimate in to the lawyer, as requested via a letter he sent me. I should have known, after calling them 5 times to make sure they got my paperwork, that things were not going to go smoothly. I got another letter saying I needed to get the car fixed, and show the bill as paid, before the matter could be considered further. I got Jake fixed and sent the bill to the lawyer.


So I called my insurance company back to see if they could do something to help me. No, they said, because I didn't file a claim with them, because the cost of the repair was equal to my deductible. Because Kandy had not done enough damage to my car, I was basically on my own instead of having an insurance lawyer following up on the accident.

So I started a phone call campaign to the lawyer's office. I called every day, assuring them that I would continue to call until the lawyer talked to me. He finally took my call, after 3 weeks, and said he was contacting Kandy, and would let me know in a few days what was happening.

I waited. A week went by. No word from the shit bag lawyer.
I guess shit bag and lawyer are redundant terms so I could have just said lawyer.

I called again. This time the receptionist told me that the lawyer was out of town. She couldn't tell me when he'd be back. The next day I got a letter from his office saying he no longer represented Kandy.

I was livid. I called the office and asked for her home address and contact information. They wouldn't give it to me. I researched her on line and found out that, although there was no address listed, she had an account on linkedin. I contacted the place where she said she worked on linkedin and they said no one by that name worked there. I'm not sure if they were lying or not, but I decided I was going to track Kandy down if I had to hire a professional investigator.

I paid $4 to have a search run on her on ussearch.com. The results were shit. I knew they knew she had an address in Denver, but it wasn't listed on the report they sent me. When I inquired how to get the Denver address they said I would have to pay additional money ($20) to do a further search. I was like I don't think so fucko. So I sent them an email saying I wanted my money back. They refused to refund it, so I called them on the Denver bullshit. I've been wrangling with customer service for a week. I got an email from them today with her Denver address without having had to pay additional money.

Further, I've requested a copy of the accident report from Denver PD. The bitch is going down. I've researched how to sue her in small claims court, which I am going to do as soon as I get the accident report. A sheriff will soon be knocking on her door to serve her papers.

The reason I am so pissed is that she hit my car, then lied to me about her insurance, then sent me on a wild goose chase with the lawyer, and has had no repercussions for her actions. If she had been honest with me at the scene of the accident, or contacted me to explain why she wasn't going to pay for my car, honestly, I would have written it off. But now, no. I don't even care if I don't recoup a dime from her. At least I will know that my judgement is sitting on her credit report for at least the next 7 years. Every time she tries to do anything that has to do with money, she's going to think of me. Fucking cunt.

And if I do get my money back, I'm going to donate it to a school fund that helps buy books for public schools, on the off chance that the reason Kandy is such an irresponsible, stupid lying asshole of a human being is that public education failed her.

The moral of the story is never piss off a jew. We're vengeful.


  1. You're not nearly as tough as you make yourself out to be. Deep down, under all those layers of anger there is a sweetheart screaming to get out.

    I am concerned however for anyone that names her car "jake". You need a dog.

  2. My car is named after a dog. My dog died.
