Sunday, September 28, 2008

the confusion (or, my Saturday afternoon with the evil twins)

My Uncle Denny, Aunt Carol, and cousin Andrea are supposed to be coming to visit me from Kentucky. They are traveling around out here and weren't sure when they would get here so Den said he'd call me. He left me a message on Friday when I was stuck in this shit show travel situation trying to get home from Vancouver (DEN was closed and I got stuck on a runway in Cheyenne for three hours - fun) and I thought he was getting to my house Friday. But when I got home at 930 PM on Friday he wasn't there and so I assumed that he might have decided to stay with my evil twin cousins in Boulder since he couldn't get in touch with me. The evil twins are Chris and Andrew, identical red head twins that moved to Boulder two years ago.

So on Saturday while I was having lunch I got a text from a Kentucky area code number inviting me to see Andrew, one of the evil twins, play at a bar in Denver. I assumed it was Den so I called the number back, left a rambling message, and headed out to the bar. Then I got to the bar and found the evil twins but no Den. Turns out the text was from my cousin Chris, who also has a Kentucky area code because he never updated his number when he moved here. I was like "Where's Den, Carol and Andrea?" and they were like "Oh, are they in town?"

Andrew is an amazing performer and the audience was really into his show. I had to save him from these two horrible 40 something women who wanted to attack him. A guy in the back gave him a $40 tip for playing two songs. People were dropping money in his guitar case during the show.

He told me this great story about how once these really drunk girls once dropped their phone number in his guitar case. It turns out, as they were leaving, they hit a car as they were pulling out of the parking lot. When the cops showed up they were asking Andrew about the girls and he gave them the phone number. So then the cop called the driver and pretended to be Andrew. When the girl drove back to the bar to meet him the cops arrested her.

Too funny.

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